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Skipper Andrea Assirelli

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Skipper Andrea Assirelli

Skypper Skipper Andrea Assirelli







Date of birth





Work Experience





• Dates (from-to) 


2019 - 2021

•  Name of the employer or business sector


Commander on Schooner 22mt

• Occupation or position held


Vessel dedicated to charter

• Main activities and responsibilities


Navigation around Corse, Sardinia, Sicily and Greece




• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Commander on Yacht Cadama ketch 22mt 

Lauren Gilles cantieri navali La Spezia 1972

• Occupation or position held


Ship-owner Andrea Brigatti sailing srl Corso italia Milano. 

• Main activities and responsibilities


Vessel dedicated to rental 

Navigation on Western Mediterranean


• Dates (from-to)



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Commander on Schonner 28 m. Used for renting of Albachiara charter.

• Main activities and responsibilities


Navigation on Tyrrhenian Sea


• Dates (from-to) 




•  Name of the employer or business sector


Commander on Sangermani Bermudian ketch 22 m. Tortuga 3

• Occupation or position held


Ship-owner Vincenzini Giorgio Lucca

• Main activities and responsibilities


Navigation on Mediterranean Sea


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Commander on Sangermani  ketch 23m ex nali “3c”


• Occupation or position held


Ship-owner Tre C Finanziaria spa

• Main activities and responsibilities




• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Commander on Nautor Swan 61

• Occupation or position held


Ship-owner Save Energetica spa Eng. Zanazzo


• Main activities and responsibilities


Navigation on Mediterranean Sea


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Sailing Ship-owner Mario Fortunato

• Occupation or position held


Commander on San Germani24mt -1956  SAHIB


• Main activities and responsibilities


Skipper, navigation on Mediterranean Sea and races in veteran boats circuits.


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Bosun on Black Swan Camper&nicholson ketch rig 38 m.

• Occupation or position held


Navigation on Mediterranean Sea, charter / ship-owner

• Main activities and responsibilities


Ship-owner A. Matacena


• Dates (from-to) 


2002 -2003

•  Name of the employer or business sector


Sailing -Mr. Fasolo Bruno Treviso

• Occupation or position held


Skipper on Centurion  61 SHAULA

• Main activities and responsibilities


Skipper, navigation on Balearic Islands, French Riviera, Greece, Turkey and Croatia


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector



• Occupation or position held


Skipper and owner on Vagabond 53  RUNAWAY

• Main activities and responsibilities


Skipper, Atlantica Napoli Antigua crossing and Charter the Antilles, Venezuela, Virgin Islands. 


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


South  seas yacht broker & charter

• Occupation or position held


Motor yacht commander CNN/70 22m displacement motor yacht 

• Main activities and responsibilities


Charter in Mediterranean Sea



• Dates (from-to) 





•  Name of the employer or business sector


Skipper Ketch. 19m ALZAVOLA (1924). Eng. Enrico Zaccagni Firenze


• Main activities and responsibilities


Atlantic Ocean crossing and Charter the Antilles, Venezuela.




• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Maurizio Magalli (NA)

• Occupation or position held


Skipper  Beaufort 16 SENOUIRE

• Main activities and responsibilities


 Co-Skipper, Atlantica Napoli Antigua crossing and Charter the Antilles, Venezuela, Virgin Islands.


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Arch. Nappi Salvatore (NA)

• Occupation or position held


Skipper Sloop 15 m   NAPOLI SI

• Main activities and responsibilities


Skipper; navigation around Mediterranean Sea


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Sail Italia di Procida; Stevens yacht LTD St. Lucia W.I

• Occupation or position held


Skipper and toolmaker; skipper

• Main activities and responsibilities


Skipper, navigation on Atlantic Ocean - Las Palmas De Gran Canaria on Bianca 42


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


 Maurizio Gucci, three-masts creole schooner 64m

• Occupation or position held


Deck manager and toolmaker

• Main activities and responsibilities


Bosun, navigation on Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and the Northern Seas 


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Club nautico della Vela Borgo Marinari (NA); Prof. Enzo dell’Aria

• Occupation or position held


Sailing instructor and sailor; sailor on Sloop 13 metres carpediem

• Main activities and responsibilities


Instructor and sailor


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector


Club nautico della Vela Borgo Marinari (NA); Prof. Enzo dell’Aria

• Occupation or position held


Sailing instructor and sailor; sailor on Sloop 13 metres carpediem

• Main activities and responsibilities


Instructor and sailor


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name of the employer or business sector



• Occupation or position held


Offshore races on Yachts of 6th, 5th and 3rd class. I.O.R. and J 24 at national level, national selection for world cup

• Main activities and responsibilities


Trimmer and toolmaker




Education and training


• Dates (from-to) 



•  Name and type of organisation

providing education and training


I.T.C. Antonio Serra (NA)

• Title of qualification awarded


 Programmer accountant



Personal skills and 


Mother tongue




other languages







English, Spanish, French

• Reading skills



• Writing skills



• Verbal skills




Social Skills and Competences



Good social skills and ability to interact with public.

Organizational skills and Competences 


Good management of working teams.


Technical skills and Competences


Expert on plant design and mechanics (hydraulics, refrigeration, conditioning). 



Qualifications until 50 tonnes both sailing and motor boat. Registered at Sea-faring people, as official boating disciple, driver of boating crafts assigned as rental. Survival and rescue pass. Fire-prevention course (basic and advanced level). Medical aids course. Certificate of radio telegrapher. Diving patent. 


Mobile +39 3407702947